Jumat, 23 Maret 2012


I. MAMALIA (Menyusui)
1. Anoa depressicornis Anoa dataran rendah, Kerbau pendek
2. Anoa quarlesi Anoa pegunungan
3. Arctictis binturong Binturung
4. Arctonyx collaris Pulusan
5. Babyrousa babyrussa Babirusa
6. Balaenoptera musculus Paus biru
7. Balaenoptera physalus Paus bersirip
8. Bos sondaicus Banteng
9. Capricornis sumatrensis Kambing Sumatera
10. Cervus kuhli; Axis kuhli Rusa Bawean
11. Cervus spp. Menjangan, Rusa sambar (semua jenis dari genus Cervus)
12. Cetacea Paus (semua jenis dari famili Cetacea)
13. Cuon alpinus Ajag
14. Cynocephalus variegatus Kubung, Tando, Walangkekes
15. Cynogale bennetti Musang air
16. Cynopithecus niger Monyet hitam Sulawesi
17. Dendrolagus spp. Kanguru pohon (semua jenis dari genus Dendrolagus)
18. Dicerorhinus sumatrensis Badak Sumatera
19. Dolphinidae Lumba-lumba air laut (semua jenis dari famili Dolphinidae)
20. Dugong dugon Duyung
21. Elephas indicus Gajah
22. Felis badia Kucing merah
23. Felis bengalensis Kucing hutan, Meong congkok
24. Felis marmorota Kuwuk
25. Felis planiceps Kucing dampak
26. Felis temmincki Kucing emas
27. Felis viverrinus Kucing bakau
28. Helarctos malayanus Beruang madu
29. Hylobatidae Owa, Kera tak berbuntut (semua jenis dari famili Hylobatidae)
30. Hystrix brachyura Landak
31. Iomys horsfieldi Bajing terbang ekor merah
32. Lariscus hosei Bajing tanah bergaris
33. Lariscus insignis Bajing tanah, Tupai tanah
34. Lutra lutra Lutra
35. Lutra sumatrana Lutra Sumatera
36. Macaca brunnescens Monyet Sulawesi
37. Macaca maura Monyet Sulawesi
38. Macaca pagensis Bokoi, Beruk Mentawai
39. Macaca tonkeana Monyet jambul
40. Macrogalidea musschenbroeki Musang Sulawesi
41. Manis javanica Trenggiling, Peusing
42. Megaptera novaeangliae Paus bongkok
43. Muntiacus muntjak Kidang, Muncak
44. Mydaus javanensis Sigung
45. Nasalis larvatus Kahau, Bekantan
46. Neofelis nebulusa Harimau dahan
47. Nesolagus netscheri Kelinci Sumatera
48. Nycticebus coucang Malu-malu
49. Orcaella brevirostris Lumba-lumba air tawar, Pesut
50. Panthera pardus Macan kumbang, Macan tutul
51. Panthera tigris sondaica Harimau Jawa
52. Panthera tigris sumatrae Harimau Sumatera
53. Petaurista elegans Cukbo, Bajing terbang
54. Phalanger spp. Kuskus (semua jenis dari genus Phalanger)
55. Pongo pygmaeus Orang utan, Mawas
56. Presbitys frontata Lutung dahi putih
57. Presbitys rubicunda Lutung merah, Kelasi
58. Presbitys aygula Surili
59. Presbitys potenziani Joja, Lutung Mentawai
60. Presbitys thomasi Rungka
61. Prionodon linsang Musang congkok
62. Prochidna bruijni Landak Irian, Landak semut
63. Ratufa bicolor Jelarang
64. Rhinoceros sondaicus Badak Jawa
65. Simias concolor Simpei Mentawai
66. Tapirus indicus Tapir, Cipan, Tenuk
67. Tarsius spp. Binatang hantu, Singapuar (semua jenis dari genus Tarsius)
68. Thylogale spp. Kanguru tanah (semua jenis dari genus Thylogale)
69. Tragulus spp. Kancil, Pelanduk, Napu (semua jenis dari genus Tragulus)
70. Ziphiidae Lumba-lumba air laut (semua jenis dari famili Ziphiidae)
II. AVES (Burung)
1. Accipitridae Burung alap-alap, Elang (semua jenis dari famili Accipitridae)
2. Aethopyga exima Jantingan gunung
3. Aethopyga duyvenbodei Burung madu Sangihe
4. Alcedinidae Burung udang, Raja udang (semua jenis dari famili Alcedinidae)
5. Alcippe pyrrhoptera Brencet wergan
6. Anhinga melanogaster Pecuk ular
7. Aramidopsis plateni Mandar Sulawesi
8. Argusianus argus Kuau
9. Bubulcus ibis Kuntul, Bangau putih
10. Bucerotidae Julang, Enggang, Rangkong, Kangkareng (semua jenis dari famili
11. Cacatua galerita Kakatua putih besar jambul kuning
12. Cacatua goffini Kakatua gofin
13. Cacatua moluccensis Kakatua Seram
14. Cacatua sulphurea Kakatua kecil jambul kuning
15. Cairina scutulata Itik liar
16. Caloenas nicobarica Junai, Burung mas, Minata
17. Casuarius bennetti Kasuari kecil
18. Casuarius casuarius Kasuari
19. 89 Casuarius unappenddiculatus Kasuari gelambir satu, Kasuari leher kuning
20. Ciconia episcopus Bangau hitam, Sandanglawe
21. Colluricincla megarhyncha Burung sohabe coklat
22. Crocias albonotatus Burung matahari
23. Ducula whartoni Pergam raja
24. Egretta sacra Kuntul karang
25. Egretta spp. Kuntul, Bangau putih (semua jenis dari genus Egretta)
26. Elanus caerulleus Alap-alap putih, Alap-alap tikus
27. Elanus hypoleucus Alap-alap putih, Alap-alap tikus
28. Eos histrio Nuri Sangir
29. Esacus magnirostris Wili-wili, Uar, Bebek laut
30. Eutrichomyias rowleyi Seriwang Sangihe
31. Falconidae Burung alap-alap, Elang (semua jenis dari famili Falconidae)
32. Fregeta andrewsi Burung gunting, Bintayung
33. Garrulax rufifrons Burung kuda
34. Goura spp. Burung dara mahkota, Burung titi, Mambruk (semua jenis dari genus
35. Gracula religiosa mertensi Beo Flores
36. Gracula religiosa robusta Beo Nias
37. Gracula religiosa venerata Beo Sumbawa
38. Grus spp. Jenjang (semua jenis dari genus Grus)
39. Himantopus himantopus Trulek lidi, Lilimo
40. Ibis cinereus Bluwok, Walangkadak
41. Ibis leucocephala Bluwok berwarna
42. Lorius roratus Bayan
43. Leptoptilos javanicus Marabu, Bangau tongtong
44. Leucopsar rothschildi Jalak Bali
45. Limnodromus semipalmatus Blekek Asia
46. Lophozosterops javanica Burung kacamata leher abu-abu
47. Lophura bulweri Beleang ekor putih
48. Loriculus catamene Serindit Sangihe
49. Loriculus exilis Serindit Sulawesi
50. Lorius domicellus Nori merah kepala hitam
51. Macrocephalon maleo Burung maleo
52. Megalaima armillaris Cangcarang
53. Megalaima corvina Haruku, Ketuk-ketuk
54. Megalaima javensis Tulung tumpuk, Bultok Jawa
55. Megapoddidae Maleo, Burung gosong (semua jenis dari famili Megapododae)
56. Megapodius reintwardtii Burung gosong
57. Meliphagidae Burung sesap, Pengisap madu (semua jenis dari famili Meliphagidae)
58. Musciscapa ruecki Burung kipas biru
59. Mycteria cinerea Bangau putih susu, Bluwok
60. Nectariniidae Burung madu, Jantingan, Klaces (semua jenis dari famili Nectariniidae)
61. Numenius spp. Gagajahan (semua jenis dari genus Numenius)
62. Nycticorax caledonicus Kowak merah
63. Otus migicus beccarii Burung hantu Biak
64. Pandionidae Burung alap-alap, Elang (semua jenis dari famili Pandionidae)
65. Paradiseidae Burung cendrawasih (semua jenis dari famili Paradiseidae)
66. Pavo muticus Burung merak
67. Pelecanidae Gangsa laut (semua jenis dari famili Pelecanidae)
68. Pittidae Burung paok, Burung cacing (semua jenis dari famili Pittidae)
69. Plegadis falcinellus Ibis hitam, Roko-roko
70. Polyplectron malacense Merak kerdil
71. Probosciger aterrimus Kakatua raja, Kakatua hitam
72. Psaltria exilis Glatik kecil, Glatik gunung
17. Lepidochelys olivacea Penyu ridel
18. Natator depressa Penyu pipih
19. Orlitia borneensis Kura-kura gading
20. Python molurus Sanca bodo
21. Phyton timorensis Sanca Timor
22. Tiliqua gigas Kadal Panan
23. Tomistoma schlegelii Senyulong, Buaya sapit
24. Varanus borneensis Biawak Kalimantan
25. Varanus gouldi Biawak coklat
26. Varanus indicus Biawak Maluku
27. Varanus komodoensis Biawak komodo, Ora
28. Varanus nebulosus Biawak abu-abu
29. Varanus prasinus Biawak hijau
30. Varanus timorensis Biawak Timor
31. Varanus togianus Biawak Togian
IV. INSECTA (Serangga)
1. Cethosia myrina Kupu bidadari
2. Ornithoptera chimaera Kupu sayap burung peri
3. Ornithoptera goliath Kupu sayap burung goliat
4. Ornithoptera paradisea Kupu sayap burung surga
5. Ornithoptera priamus Kupu sayap priamus
6. Ornithoptera rotschldi Kupu burung rotsil
7. Ornithoptera tithonus Kupu burung titon
8. Trogonotera brookiana Kupu trogon
9. Troides amphrysus Kupu raja
10. Troides andromanche Kupu raja
11. Troides criton Kupu raja
12. Troides haliphron Kupu raja
13. Troides helena Kupu raja
14. Troides hypolitus Kupu raja
15. Troides meoris Kupu raja
16. Troides miranda Kupu raja
17. Troides plato Kupu raja
18. Troides rhadamantus Kupu raja
19. Troides riedeli Kupu raja
20. Troides vandepolli Kupu raja
V. PISCES (Ikan)
1. Homaloptera gymnogaster Selusur Maninjau
2. Latimeria chalumnae Ikan raja laut
3. Notopterus spp. Belida Jawa, Lopis Jawa (semua jenis dari genus Notopterus)
4. Pritis spp. Pari Sentani, Hiu Sentani (semua jenis dari genus Pritis)
5. Puntius microps Wader goa
6. Scleropages formasus Peyang malaya, Tangkelasa
7. Scleropages jardini Arowana Irian, Peyang Irian, Kaloso
1. Anthiphates spp. Akar bahar, Koral hitam (semua jenis dari genus Anthiphates)
1. Birgus latro Ketam kelapa
2. Cassis cornuta Kepala kambing
3. Charonia tritonis Triton terompet
4. Hippopus hippopus Kima tapak kuda, Kima kuku beruang
5. Hippopus porcellanus Kima Cina
6. Nautilus popillius Nautilus berongga
7. Tachipleus gigas Ketam tapak kuda
8. Tridacna crocea Kima kunia, Lubang
9. Tridacna derasa Kima selatan
10. Tridacna gigas Kima raksasa
11. Tridacna maxima Kima kecil
12. Tridacna squamosa Kima sisik, Kima seruling
13. Trochus niloticus Troka, Susur bundar
14. Turbo marmoratus Batu laga, Siput hijau
1. Amorphophallus decussilvae Bunga bangkai jangkung
2. Amorphophallus titanum Bunga bangkai raksasa
3. Borrassodendron borneensis Bindang, Budang
4. Caryota no Palem raja/Indonesia
5. Ceratolobus glaucescens Palem Jawa
6. Cystostachys lakka Pinang merah Kalimantan
7. Cystostachys ronda Pinang merah Bangka
8. Eugeissona utilis Bertan
9. Johanneste ijsmaria altifrons Daun payung
10. Livistona spp. Palem kipas Sumatera (semua jenis dari genus Livistona)
11. Nenga gajah Palem Sumatera
12. Phoenix paludosa Korma rawa
13. Pigafatta filaris Manga
14. Pinanga javana Pinang Jawa
1. Rafflesia spp. Rafflesia, Bunga padma (semua jenis dari genus Rafflesia)
1. Ascocentrum miniatum Anggrek kebutan
2. Coelogyne pandurata Anggrek hitan
3. Corybas fornicatus Anggrek koribas
4. Cymbidium hartinahianum Anggrek hartinah
5. Dendrobium catinecloesum Anggrek karawai
6. Dendrobium d’albertisii Anggrek albert
7. Dendrobium lasianthera Anggrek stuberi
8. Dendrobium macrophyllum Anggrek jamrud
9. Dendrobium ostrinoglossum Anggrek karawai
10. Dendrobium phalaenopsis Anggrek larat
11. Grammatophyllum papuanum Anggrek raksasa Irian
12. Grammatophyllum speciosum Anggrek tebu
13. Macodes petola Anggrek ki aksara
14. Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum Anggrek kasut kumis
15. Paphiopedilum glaucophyllum Anggrek kasut berbulu
16. Paphiopedilum praestans Anggrek kasut pita
17. Paraphalaenopsis denevei Anggrek bulan bintang
18. Paraphalaenopsis laycockii Anggrek bulan Kaliman Tengah
19. Paraphalaenopsis serpentilingua Anggrek bulan Kaliman Barat
20. Phalaenopsis amboinensis Anggrek bulan Ambon
21. Phalaenopsis gigantea Anggrek bulan raksasa
22. Phalaenopsis sumatrana Anggrek bulan Sumatera
23. Phalaenopsis violacose Anggrek kelip
24. Renanthera matutina Anggrek jingga
25. Spathoglottis zurea Anggrek sendok
26. Vanda celebica Vanda mungil Minahasa
27. Vanda hookeriana Vanda pensil
28. Vanda pumila Vanda mini
29. Vanda sumatrana Vanda Sumatera
1. Nephentes spp. Kantong semar (semua jenis dari genus Nephentes)
1. Shorea stenopten Tengkawang
2. Shorea stenoptera Tengkawang
3. Shorea gysberstiana Tengkawang
4. Shorea pinanga Tengkawang
5. Shorea compressa Tengkawang
6. Shorea semiris Tengkawang
7. Shorea martiana Tengkawang
8. Shorea mexistopteryx Tengkawang
9. Shorea beccariana Tengkawang
10. Shorea micrantha Tengkawang
11. Shorea palembanica Tengkawang
12. Shorea lepidota Tengkawang
13. Shorea singkawang Tengkawang

naskah drama bahasa inggris

Fight to be a Superstar

Surely many peoples want to be a superstar. But, be a superstar is not easy. There must a fight be to reach it, like me. Before I just a countryside girl.
**One day, Aira has a daydream and then her mother came. **
Mother : Aira ( clap Aira’s shoulder )
Aira      : Ah ( shouked )
Mother : Why you daydream ??
Aira      : nothing Mom
Mother : what do you think ?
Aira      : Mom, next month my friend will work  in Korea. I want  follow  too.
Mother : I don’t agree Aira !!
 Aira     : But, I want pursue some money for you. I will make you happy Mom, Please .. .
Mother : Are you sure ?
Aira      : Yes.
Mother : Ok, if so I agree with your judgment. Altough, I heavy to free you.
Aira      : Thanks Mom. I love you.
**Next month in the airport.**
Mother : I am feeling blue, you must go to Korea. well take care of yourself
Aira      : yes Mom, I will always remember it.
Mother : I will always miss you.
Aira      : Me too. Mom I must go now. Bye –bye Mom I love you.
Mother : I love you too.
            **But, in Korea Aira got a bad employer.**
Mrs. Kim : Aira !!!
Aira          : Yes Mrs. Kim, what happen ?
Mrs. Kim : Make the breakfast for me !! quickly !!
Aira          : Ok Mam.
            **A few minutes later.
Aira : This is breakfast for you Mam.
Mrs. Kim : ( tasting ) what you make ?? this food is not delicious ! I don’t like it !!
**The next day,
Mrs. Kim : Why my clothes like this ?? Why my clothes rip ?? Aira !!
Aira : What happen Mrs. Kim ?
Mrs. Kim : Look !! why my clothes rip ?
Aira : I don’t know
Mrs. Kim : what ! you don’t know ?!? You really make me angry !
Aira : I am sorry Mam, but I really not  know.
Mrs. Kim : Go out from here !!
Aira : But,
Mrs. Kim : I don’t want to see you again !!
Aira : Please Mam, don’t expel me. Please.
Mrs. Kim : Go out now !!
            **In the street,
Aira : I am annoyed. Why Mrs. Kim expel me ?? in fact, I don’t know anything.
            **Suddenly, the rain came down.
Aira : ( run ) why I really unlucky ??
            And then Aira fainted, afterwards there was a girl found Airain the side of street. And then a girl broght Aira to her home.
            **After a few times Aira got up.
Aira : where I am ?
Eun ri : You’re conscious.
Aira : Who are you ? and where I am ?
Eun ri : my name is Eun ri, Kim Eun ri. This is my house. This mornig I find you faint in the side of street.
Aira : Ooo. . . My name is Aira. I am come from Indonesia. Thanks, you help me.
Eun ri : No problem. By the way, why you faint in the side of street ?
Aira : My employer expel me, in fact I don’t know anything. And then the rain come dowm and I faint.
Eun ri : Ckckck.  . . you employer is so bad.
Aira : Yeah. Now I dont know where I am stay.
Eun ri : You can stay here with me.
Aira : Are you sure ?? Thanks Eun ri.
Eun ri : You’re welcome.
            **One day, Aira cleaned the room while sang. And then Eun ri heard Aira’s sing. **
Eun ri : hemmm. . . it turns out Aira’s voice is so beautiful. Aira come here.
Aira : What happen ?
Eun ri : You’re voice is so beautiful. I like it.
Aira : Really ???
Euun ri : Yes. And I will give you song education.
Aira : Thanks Eun ri.
            **Aira learned to sang with a really really with eun ri
**One day, Eun ri met with her friend. Her friend is manager of SM. Entertaiment the named is Mr. Lee**
Mr. Lee : Eun ri ??
Eun ri : Mr. Lee . How are you ?
Eun ri : I am fine and you ?
Eun ri : I am fine too. I happen to meet with you, I will talk something.
Mr. Lee: What would you like to talk about something
Eun ri : I have a friend, her voice is so beautiful.
Mr. Lee : Really ??
Eun ri : Yes and I will you make she as superstar.
Mr. Lee : Ok. I will look she. I invite your friend to SM. Entertaiment next afternoon.
Eun ri : Ok. See you tomorrow.
Mr. Lee : See you.
            **Next afternoon in the SM. Entertaiment building Aira and Eun ri met Mr. Lee
Eun ri : Mr. Lee, she is Aira
Mr. Lee : Hi Aira, nice to meet you
Aira : Nice to meet you too Mr. Lee
Eun ri : Mr. Lee wish to see you sing.
Aira : Hah?? I feel ashamed.
Eun ri : You must believe with your self.
Aira : Ok. I will try it.
            **And then Aira sang so beutiful.
Mr. Lee : Aira, your voice is so beautiful.
Aira : Thanks Mr. Lee
Mr. Lee : Ok. I wish to make you as superstar.
Aira : Really ??
Mr. Lee : Yes
Aira : Thanks Mr. Lee
Eun ri : Congratulation Aira
Aira : Thanks Eun ri. This is all because of you
            **Some month later, Aira be a very famous superstar. **
Eun ri : Aira, I have something for you.
Aira : What ?
Eun ri : Wait a momment.
            **After a few times Eun ri came with Aira’s mother.
Aira : Mom !!
Mother : Aira !! I miss you so much.
Aira : I miss you too Mom. Thanks Eun ri.
Eun ri : You’re welcome.
            **Suddenly, Mr. Lee came
Eun ri : Mr. Lee she is Aira’s mother
Mr. Lee : Hello madam. Nice to meet you
Mother : Nice to meet you too sir. Thanks, you make Aira be a very famous superstar.
Mr. Lee : Its because Eun ri.
Eun ri : Ah no. This is all because of Aira try very seriously so that reach the maximal result.

This is my fight story to be a famous superstar, like in this time. So, we may not hopelessly, non-stoped to fight be the best for the people who of our love. And always spirit !!!